This bench was designed by Jonathan Wooten and Nic Masters. The group leader was Jonathan Wooten. The formwork was done by Jonathan Wooten, Nic Masters, T.J. Kingery, and Tyler Bell. This bench was designed in four sections, each with a defined curve. Once all sections are completed the bench will form an S. After completion this bench will be placed in Don Fox Park.
This bench was designed by Steven Phalin. He was the group leader on this project. The form work was done by Steven Phalin, Chris Patton, James Cooksey, and Thomas Clemons. Their bench design made the bench in multiple pieces; including legs, caps, armrests, and the bench top. It was grinded down to expose the aggregate. When the bench is finished it will be placed in Don Fox Park.
One of the bench projects for our class was a curved bench. The bench was made in one solid piece by the design of Chris Clemmons and Ross Cramer. The project form work was done by Ross Cramer, Thomas Clemons, Tyler Bell, and Chris Clemmons. When the time came to pour the form the entire class came together. When the bench is completed it will be placed in Don Fox Park.